BEC WEEKLY || New songs, updated sectional dates, song progress, payment reminder

Hi all!

Hope you’re all doing well! 

Below you’ll find information about communication, the BEC DAY on 8th March (action required) and a learning track update.



In an attempt to try and make communication more streamlined, from this point onwards, I will send ONE weekly e-mail on WEDNESDAYS.

In these e-mails I’ll give you a summary of where we’re at with the songs, and I’ll also include any important information about things that are coming up (events, payments, attendance polls, socials etc..).

We are all constantly bombarded with information, but I’d ask that you get into the habit of checking your e-mails on a Wednesday to make sure you’re up to date. 

I will continue to use WhatsApp messages for:

  • reminders (about extra rehearsals, events, when a payment deadline is approaching, or when I’m awaiting responses to a Google Form)
  • sharing event links / payment links
  • last minute changes (eg. venue / timings etc..) 
  • sharing lyrics for a warm-up 
  • lost property photos



  • If you are missing / will be missing for more than two weeks in a row, you must let me know BY E-MAIL
  • You DO NOT need to let me know each time you miss a session
  • If you have any other questions / queries / issues, the best method of communication is E-MAIL
  • If you are running late to a sectional / full group rehearsal / concert / event, or if there is something exceptional and urgent that you need to tell me, please send us a WhatsApp or ring the BEC PHONE 
    (NB. if you have my personal number, please DO NOT use it)


 BEC DAY 8TH MARCH – action required

This term, due to availability of space / technical team, it’s not been possible to organise our annual audio recording – I will look to see whether we can find another moment in the year to do it.

So, I’ve been looking for alternative options, and I’m pleased to share with you that we have two fantastic practitioners who will be coming to deliver workshops on the morning of Saturday 8th March, on breath / vocal technique, and music & movement

The day will be split into three parts:

  • Workshops (€8 + booking fee)
  • BEC Community Picnic 
  • Full group rehearsal (included in your term fee)
I’d love to have as many people as possible with us for the full day, not only to make the most of the workshops but also to get the chance to spend some more time together as a group – something we don’t often have the opportunity to do. 
In order to plan the day and make sure we have the correct resources, you’ll need to book onto the workshop by FRIDAY 28TH FEBRUARY
You can read more about the workshops / practitioners by scrolling down in this e-mail. 
Book your place for the morning workshops by clicking HERE 
(Nearer the time I’ll be asking people to confirm their attendance at the rest of the day too.)


VOCAL TECHNIQUE – breathwork & singing – with JOSEP VIADER

In this workshop Josep will be looking at breathwork – the fundamental building block for successful singing technique.  Using a variety of different approaches he’ll be exploring all the elements needed to breathe and project your voice in a more productive way. 

Josep Viader is an operatic tenor who has performed all over the world – his most recent highlights include debuting at Carnegie hall last December in the role of Monostatos in The Magic Flute by Mozart, a US concert at the Lincoln Center with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Alan Gilbert and playing Nemorino in L’elisir d’amore at the Manhattan Opera Studio. He has also toured extensively across Spain, the UK and Europe. 

Josep also runs the Barcelona Singing Studio, where he teaches private students and runs vocal workshops. He has also worked with large groups focussed on vocal technique at conferences for multi-national companies such as Telefonica. 

He has created an online course – the Viader Method – which is packed full of exercises and video tutorials to follow at your own pace. 
As an extra bonus, Josep has generously given us a special deal for those attending this workshop – you will receive an exclusive 75% discount code, bringing the price from €399 to just €79! 

You can take a look at the course here:

He holds a Bachelors Degree in vocal performance from Manhattan School of Music in New York City.


How can we feel more relaxed, more in touch with what we are singing while on stage? 

In this workshop Sophie will lead you through a series of fun activities to help you embody what you are singing through movement. To converse with music physically, with the objective to have you feeling confident and physically free to express yourself and react to rhythm, melody and beat. Let the music feed you!

Sophie Heydel was born in London and studied Drama at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She worked extensively in theatre in the UK then came to live in Barcelona, She is the director of The Tale Teller an interactive theatre in education company, The Drama Factory, teaching children theatre and movement and she also teaches theatre and movement at the University Autónoma Barcelona.

She is an ex-member of the Barcelona English Choir and delighted to return to give this workshop!



I’m very sorry for the delay with the learning tracks – I’m working on them today / tomorrow and will be uploading them during the next few days (check the website). 


I’ve had some reports of issues with the Zoom link – below is the correct link, and Maria will double check that the link on the website is correct.
Meeting ID: 840 0678 8137
Passcode: BECSINGS


A community of volunteers that go out to neighbourhoods of Barcelona to hand out food and clothes and talk to people living on the streets.

What can you do to help?
We need help making and distributing the food and collecting items of clothing, especially shoes and socks and sleeping bags and blankets. Find out below how you can help us.

Join the walk
We go out every Saturday and Sunday evening for a couple of hours, covering Parc de la Ciutadella, the surrounding area and over towards the Estación del Norte, as well as Raval and Poble Sec. Join us on the walk or help organizing it!

Host a walk
The routes leave from our local in El Raval at c/d’En Roig 30, 1-1A. The host is responsible for getting the keys to open the local, heating up the soup, waiting for walkers to arrive, and cleaning up after the walk has been completed. Available on Saturday or Sunday evening? We’d love to hear from you!

Support with donations
Donations of clothing and footwear, that are clean, in good condition and practical, are very welcome. We now are also able to accept financial donations via our bank account or Paypal.

What can you do to help?
We need help making and distributing the food and collecting items of clothing, especially shoes and socks and sleeping bags and blankets. Find out below how you can help us.

Join the walk
We go out every Saturday and Sunday evening for a couple of hours, covering Parc de la Ciutadella, the surrounding area and over towards the Estación del Norte, as well as Raval and Poble Sec. Join us on the walk or help organizing it!

Host a walk
The routes leave from our local in El Raval at c/d’En Roig 30, 1-1A. The host is responsible for getting the keys to open the local, heating up the soup, waiting for walkers to arrive, and cleaning up after the walk has been completed. Available on Saturday or Sunday evening? We’d love to hear from you!

Support with donations
Donations of clothing and footwear, that are clean, in good condition and practical, are very welcome. We now are also able to accept financial donations via our bank account or Paypal.

Take action…

You can find much more information on 

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